If You Love Some One Let Them Sleep

“A Good Laugh and “Long Sleep” Is Cure For Anything In Life”

We spend approximately a third of our lives sleeping. Why?Because our bodies need sleep to function during waking hours. Although sleep is one of our basic daily needs, more than 60 percent of adults say their sleep needs are not being fully met during the week. Sleep, like nutrition and physical activity, is critical to our health, and when we don’t get enough, we sacrifice more than just a good night’s sleep.

How Much Sleep Do You Need?
Sleep requirements vary from person to person and how much sleep you need will vary depending on your age and especially by lifestyle and health.

Age Recommended Amount of Sleep per Night

•Newborns 16-18 hours

•Preschool-aged children 11-12 hours

•School-aged children At least 10 hours

•Teens9-10 hours

•Adults 18+ (including the elderly) 9-10 hours

  • Stay Alert-Good sleep allows your mind to regain focus and tackle those tricky mental challenges. It can also stimulate creativity.
  • Boost Memory-Sleeping is the most important time to shape memories and make the connections between events, feelings and experiences. In fact, sleep is a requirement to form new learning and memory pathways in the brain.
  • Fight Infection- Sleep is your body’s mechanism to ward off infection. When you don’t get enough, your immune system is weaker, making you more susceptible to illness.
  • Be Active-Energy levels after healthy sleep are higher, and your mental awareness is more acute. Good sleep is also tied to improved athletic performance, including greater speed, agility and reflexes.
  • Replenish-During sleep, your body repairs the damage caused by stress, ultraviolet rays and other harmful exposure, as well as muscle injuries and other traumas.

When you don’t get enough sleep over time, not only do you lose out on the key benefits of sleep, but you also become more vulnerable to a number of short- and long-term health risks.

Studies show that people who experience chronic sleep deprivation are at increased risk :

*Automobile accidents due to drowsy driving
*Occupational injury due to excessive sleepiness and decreased alertness
*Obesity due to an increased appetite caused by sleep deprivation
*Psychiatric conditions such as depression and substance abuse
Poorer quality of life

Again!!If You Love Some One Let Them Sleep

Sleep Well…

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Go Inside”

🌸Track gratitude and achievement with a journal.
🌸Start your day with a cup of Tea
🌸Take 30 minutes to go for a walk.
🌸Send a thank you note.
🌸Do your best to enjoy 15 minutes of sunshine.
🌸Work your strengths.
🌸Show some love to someone in your life.
🌸Take time to laugh.
🌸Feeling anxious?Take a trip down memory lane and do some coloring.
🌸Dance around while you do your housework.
🌸Spend some time with a furry friend.
🌸Has something been bothering you?Let it all out on paper.
🌸Relax in a warm bath.